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Project Overview

Client: Wilmington Delaware City Treasurer’s Office

Industry: Public Finance/Government


The City of Wilmington, Delaware Treasurer’s Office, responsible for managing the financial affairs of a bustling city, recognized the importance of effectively communicating financial information to the public and fostering greater engagement and transparency. They sought the expertise of our creative agency to develop innovative solutions that would simplify complex financial concepts and engage the community in the decision-making process. Excited about the opportunity to make a positive impact, our creative agency partnered with the City Treasurer’s Office to reimagine their communication strategies for a youth-oriented financial literacy program.


Enhance the financial literacy of youth members from ages 18-21.

Simplify complex financial information including savings plans for better understanding.

Increase young adult engagement in the city’s financial saving programs.

Strengthen the city’s financial reputation with an up-and-coming demographic.

Empower young residents to make informed financial decisions.

Our Approach:

Visual Storytelling: We transformed complex financial saving programs into visually appealing and easy-to-understand video content series, infographics, and branded content info sheets. These visual representations provided a clear overview of the city’s saving programs, budget allocations, and community-focused resources, making it accessible to young adult residents without financial expertise.

Community Workshops and Events: We captured the content of organized interactive workshops and public events to educate young residents about savings plan options. These sessions covered topics such as budget planning, tax allocation, and the impact of saving decisions. The workshops facilitated two-way communication, allowing residents to ask questions and share their concerns.


Digital Content Development: We developed user-friendly and informative digital content that served as a direct resource for financial information. The content included comprehensive budget breakdowns, frequently asked questions, and a section for young adults to provide feedback and suggestions.

Social Media Engagement: We provided the City Treasurer’s Office with social media content to engage with young residents proactively. We created engaging posts, videos, and live sessions to simplify financial saving concepts, share updates, and promote community involvement in better financial decision-making processes.

Financial Literacy Campaign: We launched a city-wide financial literacy campaign aimed at empowering residents with essential money management skills. The campaign included educational resources, workshops, and partnerships with a local credit union and high schools to promote financial literacy among residents of all ages.


Improved Financial Transparency: The visual storytelling approach significantly improved financial savings program participation. Young residents could easily comprehend complex financial savings information through visually appealing graphics, resulting in a 50% increase in young adult residents’ understanding of the savings opportunities.

Increased Overall Public Engagement: The community workshops and events fostered greater public engagement and involvement in the city’s financial literacy programs. Attendance rates at these events increased by 40%, indicating a growing interest among residents to participate and contribute to financial discussions.

Enhanced Community-Focused Reputation: The City Treasurer’s Office gained a reputation for transparency and accountability, leading to increased public trust. Positive sentiment towards the office rose by 15% according to surveys and online feedback.

Empowered Young Adult Residents: The digital content and social media awareness empowered residents to explore and understand the financial programs offered by different organizations. This led to better-informed discussions and decisions, with 60% of residents reporting feeling more confident in their ability to participate in financial matters.

Improved Financial Literacy: The financial literacy campaign had a tangible impact on the community, with residents reporting increased knowledge and understanding of personal finance. Partnerships with local organizations and schools further reinforced financial literacy efforts, creating a long-lasting impact on residents’ financial well-being.


Through innovative communication strategies, community engagement initiatives, and financial literacy campaigns, our creative agency successfully empowered the City Treasurer’s Office to enhance financial transparency, engage the community, and foster informed decision-making. The City Treasurer’s Office’s success story serves as a model for how creative solutions can promote financial literacy, community involvement, and trust in public finance operations.

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